After all, what is Sustainability and what do you have to do with it?

The concept of sustainability is much broader than most people imagine, most importantly it is not only related to the environment but also to everything that is in it and around it, relating to people, companies and businesses that belong to it.
Literally, the dictionary tells us that sustainability is the condition of being sustainable and, in this way, sustaining something, in this case natural resources, being all those elements of nature necessary for man, whether renewable or not.
In order to these people, companies and places be able to live and develop in balance, using finite resources (those that have an end and are not renewable), the need arises to ensure a Sustainable Development to guarantee production standards and consumption that assure the availability of these resources to everyone. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development tells us that sustainable development is able to meet the needs of the current generation, without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations.
What do you have to do with all this?
Do you have sustainable habits? Do you think twice before using a disposable cup? Do you save water? And the electricity? Do you separate your organic waste from recyclable?
Well, these and all other daily habits of the human being have consequences and whether they are sustainable or not, they will affect the quality of the environment somehow.
Sustainable daily practices will allow the development that does not exhaust resources for the future. If you adopt some concepts in your daily habits such as “rethink” and “reduce” your consumption, “repair” and “reuse” before throwing it away, “recycle” when it is no longer useful for you, you can make the difference.